Biology is a subject that deals with the study of structures, functions and relationships of living organisms. The things around us can be divided into two groups as Living Things and Non-living Things. In Biology, the attention is majorly payed to the Livings Things category.

Order and Organization
Order and Organization could be described as being structurally composed of one or more cells.
Regulation of the internal environment of the body to maintain a constant state, despite the external environmental changes. Example: Contraction of muscles in the body to produce heat in cold conditions (shivering)
The metabolism of an organism is the total of all the chemical processes within its body.
Growth and Development
Growth is defined as an irreversible increase in size of the organism.
Example: Multicellular organisms start life from a single cell, and later develop into individuals containing many multicellular organs.
Particular innovations of structure and functions which help living things to maintain life by extracting energy and materials from the environment, and reproduce.
All organisms are responsive, and they exhibit irritability. They receive information about their environment and react in appropriate ways.
Organisms give rise to others of the same type in order to perpetuate life despite the inevitability of death of the individual.

Living things change over time. This is evidence from fossil records of earlier organisms. All living things are from a common ancestor and arose as a result of genetic modification of species over time.
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